AHAA Fees & Forms
New Membership -
New Memberships apply to those joining the AHAA for the first time, the fee includes the joining fee. NOTE new members are entitled to one free transfer of ownership
Full Membership $145
(Mare and Stallion breeders MUST be full financial member)
Joint Membership $145
Associate Membership $ 87
Trail Associate Membership (Non-Breeding) $ 87
Junior Membership (Under 18yrs) $ 90
Renewal of Membership -
Full Membership $125
(Mare and Stallion breeders MUST be full financial member)
Joint Membership $125
Associate Membership $ 75
​Trial Associate Membership (Non-Breeding) $ 75
Junior Membership $70
Friends of the AHAA -
Friends of the AHAA is a non-rider/owner membership, these members receive that years copies of the AHAA magazine but have no voting rights and cannot perform any actions in the respect of transfers of ownership, horse registrations ect. they are also not covered by public liability insurance at AHAA events.
Friends of the AHAA $45
Annual fees are due on the 1st January and may be paid by cheque, Money Order, cash or direct deposit to the Commonwealth Bank.
Andalusian Horse Association of Australia:
BSB: 066 159
Account number: 11208671
Please use your name as reference.
Membership Form
Registration & Breeding
Registration applications must be submitted within twelve (12) months of foaling.
Breeders Discount - Free registration (for the lowest registration fee individual) will be given to breeders for the 6th horse registered during any one season.
Purebred Spanish $100
Purebred Iberian $100
Hispano Arabe $100
Australian Andalusian $80
Partbred Andalusian $60
Andalusian Derivative $60
All Geldings $60
(Applicable to those horses 13 months - 24 months of age, this fee is additional to the registration fee and may require Council approval)
DNA Testing $90
Microchip Application $20
(Microchips can alternatively be purchased from your veterinarian, appropriate documentation must still be completed)
Stud Service Return
(Must be submitted before the 31st of July)
Per Mare $15
(This fee is additional to the charge per mare)
Service Certificate Book $25
​​​​​​​Transfer of Ownership
​​Within 90 Days from Purchase $50
​Exceeding 90 Days from Purchase $80
​​​Lease Notification
Notification of Lease $40
​​​​Website Advertising
Stallion at Stud $FREE
(Available to AHAA Members only)
AHAA Members - For Sale/Wanted $FREE
Non-Members - For Sale/Wanted $40 Per 6 months
Salto el Cielo Advertising
Full Page $150
Half Page $80
Quarter Page $50
Duplicate Certificate $30
Registering your Horse - A basic guideline
Registration Form
DNA Application Form
Microchip Application Form
Stud Service Return Form
NOTE - New members are entitled to one free transfer of ownership.
Transfer of Ownership Form
Notification of Lease Form
Registering ANCCE Registered PRE Horses
& Imported Semen
Embryo Transfer
Embryo Ownership Form
Embryo Sale Form
Registration of Stud Name
Images and text for advertisement should be emailed to ahaa@iprimus.com.au, images are required to be high resolution.
Images and text for advertisement should be emailed to saltoahaa@gmail.com images are required to be high resolution.
If you require any assistance please contact the AHAA Federal Secretary at:
Email - ahaafederal@gmail.com
Phone - 0401 332 378
All payments are to be made to:
Andalusian Horse Association of Australia:
BSB: 066 159
Account number: 11208671
Please use your name as reference.